Christian Program

Supporting the Christian Values of Home & Community

The Parkland School Division Christian Program is available to all families who want their Kindergarten to Grade 9 children taught in a non-denominational and spiritually nurturing environment. The Early Years Program (K-4) is housed here at Brookwood School. The Middle Years Program (5-9) is housed across the street at Woodhaven Middle School.

This program supports Christian values of the home by involving students in morning prayers, Bible readings, songs and assemblies with a Biblical perspective. Sustained by Christ's teachings and God's love, students in the program are encouraged to develop commitments to their families, neighbours, country and global community while leading moral, healthy and productive lives.


The PSD Christian Program is available to students who are in Kindergarten to Grade 9. Through this program, students will be encouraged to:

  • Treat others with respect and focus on loving God and loving one another
  • Seek to achieve high levels of academic excellence involving regular study and homework
  • Exhibit positive behaviour and good work habits
  • Value the importance of community service


Parents with students enrolled in the PSD Christian Program will:

  • Demonstrate a commitment to the program and to the school
  • Create fellowship and work cooperatively with all school staff
  • Encourage their child(ren) to display positive behaviours at all times
  • Support the classroom by promoting academic excellence in their students


Teachers chosen for the program are those who:

  • Support the philosophy of the program
  • Articulate to students and parents the philosophy of Christian living
  • Apply Christian beliefs to instructional programming
  • Place the needs of their students in the centre of all their efforts - both in and outside the classroom
  • Help students make links to Christ's teachings in situations where poor choices have been made
  • Encourage students to take pride in what they do and instill in them the belief that they have much to offer the world around them


Housed in a dual-track school, the PSD Christian Program:

  • Follows Alberta Learning's prescribed Program of Studies
  • Has a strong expectation that students are willing to work and seek to achieve academic excellence
  • Promotes a Christian viewpoint during discussions and links concepts being taught with teachings of the Bible
  • Allows students in the program to participate with other students in classes such as music, physical education, exploratory courses, and field trips.


Transportation will be a joint responsibility of parents and Parkland School Division. Students travelling on routes that can be easily directed to Brookwood School will be transported. Where no current routes are available, the Division's Transportation Department has made a commitment to review all possible routes in an attempt to arrive at a workable solution for both parents and the Division.


Transportation fees are assessed for some students, dependent on their residence. Parents will be subject to all other fees charged in the regular program.