School Council

Brookwood School is pleased to have a very active and supportive school council. School Council meetings are typically held on the fourth Monday of the month during the school year at 7pm in the art or staff room.

All parents who are present at these meetings are permitted to vote on all motions. Your suggestions are very important, so plan to come whenever possible.  

Our School Council's purposes are: 

  • To encourage more parents to become involved in the education of their children with the net result of having a more effective school
  • To provide a formalized structure in order to assist the school with the education of children

Please look for the "News from Our School Council" which will be sent home periodically copied on goldenrod paper. 

The School Council is an active member of the Alberta School Council Association. Through this membership, our school council ensures that the voice of our school community is heard on a provincial level. 

Parents' Collective Commitments 

These commitments were developed by School Council Parents who attended a School Planning Retreat. These commitments were reviewed in 2010. It is the hope of our School Council that all parents will become familiar with these commitments and will assist in creating a strong learning environment for children of Brookwood. View commitments here.

School Council Mission

Brookwood School Council is committed to our children.

School Council Vision

Our Children... Our Future

Responsibilities of the Council

The Council’s overall responsibility is to work with and provide advice to the school principal and perform duties or functions delegated to it by the Board (Section 55-4 of the Education Act). 

School Council Roles

President - Tyneal Johnson
This person is responsible for running the monthly meetings. They set the agenda, distribute correspondence, and work with the Principal and Assistant Principal to make decisions about where the fundraising dollars will go.

Vice President - vacant
This position is to run the meetings if the President is unable to attend. 

Secretary - vacant
This position includes the taking and distribution of the minutes for all meetings, as well as filing any correspondence.

Treasurer - Lisa Huffman
This position is responsible for maintaining the accounting.

Hot Lunch Coordinator - Angela Kerr; - Amber Ballerman
The hot lunch coordinator is responsible for setting hot lunch days in coordination with administration. This person decides on what was being served for hot lunch and ensures everything was at the school for the hot lunch day. They are also responsible for coordinating a volunteer schedule.

Club Moo Coordinator - Susan Fisher
This coordinator organizes the milk program and is responsible for preparing notices to families, order forms and milk tickets. They follow the “Club Moo” program with Alberta Milk. The coordinator places the milk order and checks it when it arrives. They also ensure a volunteer schedule is in place for delivery of milk to the students. 

For more information contact:
Brookwood School
Phone: 780-962-3942 