
It is indeed a privilege to spend days watching children grow, learn and develop. Children bring with them a unique kind of curiosity, energy and zest for life. We believe it is our role to provide an environment that facilitates the best possible place to grow and learn. An environment that is trusting and encouraging will enable each child to feel comfortable enough to take "risks" to learn, enabling them to reach their potential. Each child is unique. Each has their own set of background experience, interests, characteristics and abilities.

We will endeavour to plan, adapt and/or change instruction to meet the particular needs of each child. A variety of learning experiences using various instructional strategies will be implemented to meet many different styles of learning. We are committed to the growth of skills and attitudes in each developmental area (social, emotional, physical, intellectual and creative).

Please always feel welcome to drop into the kindergarten whenever you can. We encourage you to contact us regarding any questions you may have. We want you to know how your child is progressing and to always feel very well informed.

We want your child's first year in school to be the best beginning, filled with happy and successful experiences.

Kindergarten Programming Guide

Kindergarten Open House Video

Kindergarten Open House Slideshow

Kindergarten Registration

  • Registration requirements for Kindergarten are the same as those for Grades 1 through 12. For more information, please visit the Parkland School Division Registration page.
  • If you are interested in registering your child for our full-time Kindergarten program, please contact our school after you have completed the regular PSD registration process.
  • A child entering Kindergarten must be 5 years old by the last day of December of the school year in which he or she begins Kindergarten.
  • Kindergarten programs are offered on Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday with alternating Fridays.